The story of Biff

Biff writes some unique, great content!

Biff promotes the page with this content in hopes that someone reads it and references the content somehow on a webpage. The way we say 'Hey, thanks for the content!' on the internet nowadays is a backlink - At least that's what Google thinks.

It happens.

Great, there is a willing webmaster looking to reference Biff's content on one or maybe more of their own pages! But Biff forgot to optimize his content properly with named anchor tags - so this webmaster is forced to reference Biffs entire page instead of the specific content via an achor. What's worse is that the page referencing Biffs content has none of the keywords that Biff wrote in his content, in fact it's totally unrelated.

What just happend here?

Well, Biff got some backlinks and will be awarded PageRank, but the webmaster could've passed alot more linkjuice and relevancy to Biffs page if the content was referenced directly, instead of just being a small part of the entire page. Also, the backlink doesn't come from a page with any of Biffs keywords. Biff is going to see an increase in PageRank from the Google Monster, but he shalt not be rewarded for 'relevancy' the real Holy Grail of SEO. It's a combination of relevancy and PageRank that dictates the order in which pages come up in the search results.

Biff properly optimized his content with named anchors and promoted it through more niche specific networks.

Another webmaster referenced Biffs content, on a page with even higher pagerank than the first! The only problem is, they referenced the article by writing 'I read this article here' and there was no relevant surrounding text with any of the same keywords in Biffs article - the minion search spiders couldn't really understand what was going on and thus passed little relevancy to Biffs article in the eyes of Lord Google who still awarded plenty of PageRank to Biff for the backlink. It looks like Biff just can't get a break today in terms of relevancy.

Finally - Biff gets a properly anchored linkback from a webmaster with relevant surrounding and achor text! The backlink was also from a page on the same subject that Biffs content was about, they had more than 3 common keywords! The backlink was also the first link referenced in the article so it had great link order!

Then the Google Monster came to Biff and awarded his page with some relevancy for his keywords. Amen.